Bilingual and Literacy Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations
“Porque sé los dos idiomas.” Biliteracy Beliefs and Bilingual Preservice Teacher Identity
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
This study, carried out in the bilingual and bicultural border area of South Texas, is an exploration of bilingual preservice teachers’ identity formation and their experiences and beliefs about literacy and biliteracy during an undergraduate class focused on learning about emergent literacy in the bilingual classroom. This study is based on a sociocultural approach to learning and identity development, and research that explores how bilingual teachers’ identity is shaped through their participation in cultural and linguistic practices. The purpose of this practitioner research is to provide insights into preservice teachers’ identities as they start to explore literacy and biliteracy practices. Two research questions guide the study: What experiences about literacy and biliteracy development do prospective teachers identify as meaningful? How do these experiences contribute to define bilingual preservice teachers’ identities? Findings indicate that bilingual preservice teachers’ identities are shaped by cultural and linguistic experiences that define the bilingual and bicultural dynamics of the region. Two predominant types of experiences impact bilingual preservice teachers’ beliefs about teaching, learning, and literacy/biliteracy development. Particularly significant in defining their perceptions are the lessons learned from meaningful others – especially mothers and teachers – and certain relevant memories regarding effective practices they experienced when learning to read and write. Implications for teacher education preparation of bilingual teachers are identified.
Recommended Citation
Musanti, S.I. (2014), "“Porque sé los dos idiomas.” Biliteracy Beliefs and Bilingual Preservice Teacher Identity", Research on Preparing Preservice Teachers to Work Effectively with Emergent Bilinguals (Advances in Research on Teaching, Vol. 21), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 59-87. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1479-368720140000021002
Publication Title
Research on Preparing Preservice Teachers to Work Effectively with Emergent Bilinguals
Copyright © 2014 Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Not open access.