Bilingual and Literacy Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations

Investigating reading motivation in Latinx college students: qualitative insights from bilingual readers

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The existing literature on reading motivation primarily focuses on monolingual children and adolescents using quantitative approaches. To date, there is an absence of qualitative studies exploring bilingual college students’ reading motivation that can provide details of participants’ views, beliefs, and experiences related to reading motivation. To meet this need, this qualitative study used the bioecological model of human development to explore sociocultural impacts on multidimensions of reading motivation in Latinx college students. Twenty-eight Latinx bilingual college students participated in individual and semi-structured interviews and generated written literacy journeys that focused on understanding factors affecting the multidimensionality of their reading motivation and ways to motivate them. Our data suggest Latinx college students’ reading motivation was influenced by the three systems of the bioecological model of human development: microsystem, exosystem, and macrosystem. Furthermore, we found that reflective, autonomous, and interactive learning environments were effective for enhancing their reading motivation.


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Publication Title

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development

