Civil Engineering Faculty Publications and Presentations

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Bioswales are stormwater control structures designed stormwater runoff volume and filter stormwater solids and pollutant from surface runoff. Bioswale generally consists of sloped surface ground with native wetland plants to lead stormwater percolation and infiltration, porous media to allow for stormwater retention and stormwater contaminant filtration, and stormwater drain conduit under the porous media. In this study, we monitored the bioswale evaluation factors of stormwater total volume reduction, peak flow rate reduction, and peak time attenuation. It is concluded that, based on a total of 29 monitoring of storm events, pumice is a hydrologically best performing material for the bioswale porous media for all three evaluation factors. Recycled crushed glass was also a competitive material for all the criteria except peaktime attenuation. It shows 32% peaktime attenuation than non-bioswale parking lot, but it is less than half of the pumice materials performance (64%). To evaluate a local availability, a cost analysis of the bioswale material and construction cost is recommended. Retail prices of the bioswale materials from the local areas as well as a value of parking space, which can be obtained by reducing stormwater retention pond size caused by the bioswale system, should be included in the cost analysis.


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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License
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International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research



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