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The self-powered and autonomous sensors are incredibly important in advanced engineering, especially defence science. The increasing necessity of simple and smart electronics requires to be sustainably flexible, wearable, and waterproof. Triboelectricity has been a widely used mechanism for motion sensing nowadays. Almost all devices based on triboelectricity require contact between two surfaces. Herein, a touchless triboelectric motion sensor for human motion sensing and movement monitoring is developed. The device was primarily fabricated using simple latex (cis-1,4-polyisoprene) structures and copper (electrode materials), which make it a very cost-effective device for sensory applications. The device is tested with specimens of different areas and heights in motion. The maximum output of the device is noted as 12 V at a specimen height of 5 cm. Further different types of human motions are applied in front of the device to ensure low energy sensitivity using triboelectric phenomena. The lightweight smart device precisely provides significant output signals for each movement of the human body which makes the device a prospective medium for motion sensing and movement monitoring which can be applied in the fields of security, energy, and medicine.


This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:

Zamora, D., Abdullah, A.M., Flores, A., Majumder, H., Sadaf, M.U.K., Azimi, B., Danti, S. and Uddin, M.J. (2022), Flexible Bielectrode-Based Highly Sensitive Triboelectric Motion Sensor: A Sustainable and Smart Electronic Material. Energy Technol., 10: 2100662.

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Energy Technology



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Chemistry Commons



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