Johnson Lyngaas Family Photo Album
The Johnson Lyngaas Family Photo Album is part of the Hidalgo County Historical Commission (HCHC) Collection. Donated to the HCHC in 2024, the small family photo album likely dates back 100 years and features members of the Johnson, Lyngaas, and Olsen families, including group pictures, candid photographs, and landscapes which are identified in blue handwritten captions.
A handwritten list of names, dates, and marriages provides insight into the family relationships.
Names include Eva Olsen, Lloyd and Juanita Johnson, Ralph and Dorothy Lyngaas, Leonard and Edna Johnson, "Grandma" Olsen, Frank Flores, Hattie Olsen, Gene Owen Lyngaas, Arthur "Art" Henry Lyngaas, Morgan Olsen, Pete and Alma Johnson, among others.
Locations include: Woodford, WI; Appleton, WI; McAllen, TX;
Crops include: cabbage, onion, broom corn, citrus, cotton
Dates: early to mid-1920s