Spring Workshop March 2021
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Lesson planning, Texas History, Geography, Primary Sources, Bloom's Taxonomy, Regional History, Texas--Lower Rio Grande Valley, Historias Americanas
TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills): (3) History. The student understands how various sources provide information about the past and present. The student is expected to: (A) identify several sources of information about a given period or event such as reference materials, biographies, newspapers, and electronic sources; and (B) describe various evidence of the same time period using primary sources such as photographs, journals, and interviews.
Lesson objective(s):
1. TLW understand how important it is to understand primary sources in history. 2. TLW review documents in history to make connections.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
Questioning : Bloom's Taxonomy and Kaplan's Depth and Complexity Hands on, Visuals and Choice Board
.PDF, 2 Pages
Recommended Citation
Salinas, Marisol, "Lesson Plan, Social Studies, 2nd Grade" (2021). Spring Workshop March 2021. 11.