Fall Workshop October 2019
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Lesson plans, Historias Americanas, Cultural Diffusion, Olmec, Maya, Aztecs Civilizations, TEKS, 6th grade, World History
TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills): 6.3A identify and Explain geographic factors responsible for patterns of population in places and regions 6.15A Identify and describe means of cultural diffusion such as trade, travel, and war 6.13A Identify and describe common traits that define and culture and culture region.
Lesson objective(s): 1. The learner will (TLW) analyze and explain the similarities and differences between the Olmec, Maya and Aztecs. 2. TLW explain the geographic factors responsible for the settlement of the Olmec, Maya and Aztecs.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs: Provide Visuals Positive Reinforcement Peer Support Teacher Support
.PDF, 3 Pages
Recommended Citation
Rodríguez, Sylvia, "Lesson Plan, World History, 6th Grade" (2019). Fall Workshop October 2019. 11.