School of Integrative Biological and Chemical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations

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This study examined the invertebrate fauna from three deep wells located at the Uvalde National Fish Hatchery in south-central Texas. These wells provide a water source from geological strata of the southern boundary of the Edwards Aquifer ranging in age from Lower Cretaceous to Recent. Forty-seven collections, sampled on a continuous basis from November 2020 to January 2022, produced a total of 738 specimens comprising 15 different species. These collections reveal a diverse crustacean assemblage along with dominant numbers of the stygobiotic snail Balconorbis uvaldensis. This study provides a preliminary survey for future investigations of unidentified crustacean species as well as revealing seasonal variations in the reproductive life cycle of Balconorbis uvaldensis.

Publication Title

The Texas Journal of Science


Included in

Life Sciences Commons
