Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Development of Laboratory Based Smart Micro Grid To Be Used As An Educational Tool

Joel L. Sanchez, University of Texas-Pan American

Copyright 2011 Jose L. Sanchez. All Rights Reserved.


The increasing trend of the energy industry to move towards a new smart power grid has pushed researchers to address the challenges that this represents. Universities all around the world are also under pressure to better prepare their students to meet the challenges that await them with this new technology and techniques. The work presented on this thesis was motivated by the current need of the electrical engineering curriculum to include new material into their current courses. A laboratory based smart micro grid was created by applying several concepts and techniques currently being adopted by the energy industry to make their distribution systems smarter. A series of experiments were conducted in order to test the functionality of both hardware equipment as well as software implementation. The results indicate that the experimental setup has proven to be adequate to introduce students to new concepts of the smart grid