Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Advisor

Dr. Mary Jean Goertz

Second Advisor

Dr. Ernesto Bernal

Third Advisor

Dr. J. C. Nichols


This study was to determine if middle school teachers' attitudes and perceptions towards gifted students in inclusionary classrooms are affected by experiential variables. Specifically, are receptivity towards gifted, training and knowledge in giftedness, and preferences towards teaching gifted students affected by teachers' attitudes? Are preferences and perceptions towards inclusive programs in the middle schools affected by teachers' attitudes?

The population is comprised of 135 general education teachers from three middle schools in the La Joya Independent School District, La Joya, Texas. The Teacher Report Questionnaire was designed using twenty-three questions. The questions were developed for general education teachers in the middle school in order to examine their attitudes toward including gifted students in regular classrooms. The questionnaire was constructed to collect demographic data as well as teachers' attitudes and perceptions about inclusion. Data from the questionnaire were compiled and analyzed to determine factors that affect teachers' attitudes and perceptions towards inclusion.


Copyright 1997 Bertha Belen Perez. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American
