Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dr. Roberto Mario Salmon

Second Advisor

Dr. Michael Faubion

Third Advisor

Dr. Elena Bastida


In the early 1800s, Anglo-Americans entered the Southwest in great numbers, bringing religious institutions with them, Mexican American Baptist dependency on Anglo Baptist institutions occurred. Anglos in the Southwest brought in the doctrine of Manifest Destiny and strict racial codes. Mostly Southerners, they sought to submit so-called foreign cultured people, in this case Mexican Americans, to a predetermined role in the economic and sociopolitical life of the Southwest. Anglo Baptists were part of this culture and influenced by the practice of this ideology. Applying the theory of Dependency, this study will examine the manifestation of dependency and its legacy in Bee County, Texas, from 1821–1980.

The research is divided into the Introduction, four chapters, and a conclusion. The first two chapters present the history of Mexican Americans in Texas and Bee County. Chapters Three and Four discuss the history of Mexican American Baptists in the United States, Texas, and Bee County. The Conclusion presents results of the research and analysis of the theory.


Copyright 2000 Richard Carrera. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American
