Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Manufacturing Engineering
First Advisor
Dr. Jianzhi Li
Second Advisor
Dr. Douglas Timmer
Third Advisor
Dr. Miguel Gonzalez
This thesis aims to combine previous research on remanufacturing cleaning processes and applications into a single decision-making tool, in the form of software, which a remanufacturer can use to find a cleaning system that matches their specific demands. This thesis will provide an in-depth review of each cleaning process, the chemicals used in those processes, and the contamination types for which they were developed. This research also provides evaluation and comparison that assists remanufacturers in designing their cleaning systems. Finally, there will be a description and demonstration of the software. The ultimate goal is to find correct cleaning process to remove a variety of contaminants from metal substrates with high efficiency.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
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