Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dr. Steven P. Schneider

Second Advisor

Dr. Rene Saldana Jr.

Third Advisor

Dr. Lee Davinroy


All the Elephants Faced the Door is a collection of fiction and poetry. The first section, “The World is Nice to Butterflies,” is a collection of six short stories. The collection focuses on the Solis family. The family consists of six sisters and the stories follow their journey of falling in love, forming romantic relationships and the eventuality of marriage. The second half of my manuscript is composed of poems and is divided in three sections. The first, “The Stuff of the World is Love-Stuff,” is a sequence of love poems. The second section entitled, “Domestic Anxiety,” is a series of poetry addressing women's issues. One of the main themes is the fear or hatred of housework and the fear of a woman losing her identity because she is domesticated. The concluding section, “Are You Looking at Me?,” is a series of identity poems that attempt to define who I am and where I come from. A woman's fear of losing herself and her identity when entering into a relationship is the main theme found in All the Elephants Faced the Door .


Copyright 2003 Stephanie B. Thome.

All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American
