Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Business Administration
First Advisor
Dr. A. Fuat Firat
Second Advisor
Dr. Michael Minor
Third Advisor
Dr. Mohammadali Zolfagharian
As contemporary consumers interact with one another and the market in a more symbolic manner, the ways music and other products are used are changing. Scholarly research has investigated the use of music in a social manner, mostly in terms of self-identity, and practitioners have explored the sharing of music, particularly with regard to the use of technology. The present research takes a closer look at the social use of music and proposes a consequence that is termed Perceived Creative Partnership; people use music in a social manner in order to achieve a state of being where they feel as if they are part of the music scene. A mixed methods research design is employed, including both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Triangulation is achieved by combining multiple qualitative methods; the data is interpreted to identify constructs and develop scales for measuring those constructs and to test the relationships among them. Perceived Creative Partnership is proposed as a second order construct and tested as a consequence of the social use of music. Results support 10 of 12 hypotheses, finding evidence of the proposed second order constructs and some of the hypothesized relationships among them. This study of how people use music as a social tool to reach a state where they feel they have become more of a creative partner than a passive listener is consistent with extant research into more participative consumption, explores social use as a prominent use for music, and begins to explain music sharing in greater depth than simply a consequence of enabling technology. Theoretical and practical implications indicate a greater understanding of contemporary consumers and a direction for music and other products of the cultural industries.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
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