Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Collection

Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Plans - Passenger car profile

Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Plans - Passenger car profile


David N. Currey


Brownsville MP Depot Series 4 Passenger Car Profile Revision 6 07-06-15


Download Brownsville MP Depot Series 4 Passenger Car Profile Revision 6 07-06-15.bmp (3.0 MB)

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Computer drawing. Note: The passenger car height relative to the top of the platform was difficult to determine . The best guess is that the rail head height is somewhere between 6" and 9" below the top of the platform. In this diagram, the streamlined passenger car on the left is positioned with a rail head height 6" below the top o f the platform, making the top of the car (less the center line bump) 13 ' above the top of the platform. The car on the right is positioned with a rail head height 9" below the top of the platform, making the top of the car 12' 9" above the top of the platform. Due to the nature of these plans , with a 3-pixel width line, it may appear that there is slight overhang by the shed roof over the passenger car. In actuality, and this is also a best guess, the edge of the roof is even with the edge of the car.

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.BMP, 3 MB

Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Plans - Passenger car profile
