School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations
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Classical formulations of the entropy concept and its interpretation are introduced. This is to motivate the definition of the quantum von Neumann entropy. Some general properties of quantum entropy are developed, such as the quantum entropy which always increases. The current state of the area that includes thermodynamics and quantum mechanics is reviewed. This interaction shall be critical for the development of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. The Jarzynski inequality is developed in two separate but related ways. The nature of irreversibility and its role in physics are considered as well. Finally, a specific quantum spin model is defined and is studied in such a way as to illustrate many of the subjects that have appeared.
Recommended Citation
Paul Bracken (November 17th 2020). Classical and Quantum Integrability: A Formulation That Admits Quantum Chaos, A Collection of Papers on Chaos Theory and Its Applications, Paul Bracken and Dimo I. Uzunov, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.94491. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/74091
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Publication Title
Quantum Mechanics
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