School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations
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Quantization for probability distributions concerns the best approximation of a d-dimensional probability distribution P by a discrete probability with a given number n of supporting points. In this paper, we have considered a probability measure generated by an infinite iterated function system associated with a probability vector on R. For such a probability measure P , an induction formula to determine the optimal sets of n-means and the nth quantization error for every natural number n is given. In addition, using the induction formula we give some results and observations about the optimal sets of n-means for all n ≥ 2
Recommended Citation
Roychowdhury, Lakshmi, and Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury. 2022. “Quantization for a Probability Distribution Generated by an Infinite Iterated Function System.” Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 37 (3): 765–800.
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Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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