School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations
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Book Chapter
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The quantum Hall effects are an excellent example of physical systems where topology plays a major role in accounting for the physical observations. It is shown that the conductivity that appears in the quantum Hall effect is a topological invariant. It is illustrated how a fiber bundle over a torus can be constructed producing a geometry in which the system can be referred. The fractional effect can be studied by introducing homotopy and associated braid groups. Filling fractions can be obtained as a consequence of commensurability relations.
Recommended Citation
Bracken, Paul. 2024. “Recent Topics on Topology - From Classical to Modern Applications.” In Recent Topics on Topology - From Classical to Modern Applications. IntechOpen. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.1003398
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Publication Title
Recent Topics on Topology - From Classical to Modern Applications
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