School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations

Using the technology acceptance model to assess how preservice teachers’ view educational technology in middle and high school classrooms

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Elementary, middle, and high school students need opportunities to engage with educational technology. This is particularly essential for those students who may not have access to new technologies at home and/or school. The socioeconomic status continues to increase the digital divide and equity in education in terms of access to technology; and as new and advanced technology becomes more available for some, others are falling further behind. A key component in ensuring all K-12 students receive opportunities to engage with technology is to prepare preservice teachers to be proficient at using new educational technologies in their classrooms. Virtual Reality (VR) environments are gaining traction across some environments. However, in the United States, some states limit or exclude VR from elementary and middle grades. In a recent service-learning project, 14 preservice teachers were introduced to two types of floor-robots and one style of a VR headset. Most preservice teachers had not used any of the technology prior to the required course. After learning how to manipulate floor-robots and navigate virtual environments, they taught middle and high school students with exceptionalities how to use technology to enhance comprehension of mathematics and social studies content. Of the 14 preservice teachers in the course, seven agreed to allow their surveys and reflections to be used for data collection and analysis. Results demonstrate that preservice teachers view technology for use in school settings favorably, and they believed that middle and high school students with exceptionalities benefitted from the educational technology instructional experiences. However, there were some concerns about costs.


Publication Title

Education and Information Technologies

