School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations

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This paper deals with the following equation mt= 1/2 1/mk xxx− 1/2 1/mk x, which is proposed by Z. J. Qiao J. Math. Phys. 48, 082701 2007 and Qiao and Liu Chaos, Solitons Fractals 41, 587 2009. By adopting the phase analysis method of planar dynamical systems and the theory of the singular traveling wave systems to the traveling wave solutions of the equation, it is shown that for different k, the equation may have infinitely many solitary wave solutions, periodic wave solutions, kink/antikink wave solutions, cusped solitary wave solutions, and breaking loop solutions. We discuss in a detail the cases of k=−2,−1 2 , 1 2 ,2, and parametric representations of all possible bounded traveling wave solutions are given in the different c,g -parameter regions.


© 2010, American Institute of Physics. Original published version available at

Publication Title

Journal of Mathematical Physics



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Mathematics Commons



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