Physics and Astronomy Faculty Publications and Presentations

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The effect of gravity on the electric potential generated by the combustion synthesis of zinc sulfide is analyzed using the numerical simulation. Recent experimental studies on generation of electric voltage during combustion synthesis of zinc sulfide (ZnS) have revealed high voltage signals (4 V) with duration about 1 s, which are much higher than those produced by the gas–solid and solid–solid combustion reactions studied previously. These data have raised the question about mechanism of such a phenomenon. In our previous work we developed a novel (distributed) model describing the electric potential generation during combustion synthesis of sulfides (CSS) that didn't count the effect of gravity. In this paper the simulations of heat - mass transfer, charge carriers motion, and voltage profiles taking into account the Earth gravity effect. The simulations confirms that the gravitation force strongly affects the emission of negatively charged sulfur ions as well as electrons and has a significant impact on the amplitude and temporal evolution of the combustion induced voltage. The voltage reduction up to four times has been observed numerically in the case when gravity acts in the direction coincident to that of the propagating combustion wave. Vice versa, the significant acceleration of the combustion and the voltage amplification due to the advection is simulated when gravity acts in the direction opposite to that of the propagating combustion wave.


© 2014 Horizon Research Publishing. Original published version available at

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Chemical and Materials Engineering



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Physics Commons



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