Physics and Astronomy Faculty Publications and Presentations
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We construct realistic sensitivity curves for pulsar timing array searches for gravitational waves, incorporating both red and white noise contributions to individual pulsar noise spectra, and the effect of fitting to a pulsar timing model. We demonstrate the method on both simulated pulsars and a realistic array consisting of a subset of NANOGrav pulsars used in recent analyses. A comparison between the results presented here and measured upper limit curves from actual analyses shows agreement to tens of percent. The resulting sensitivity curves can be used to assess the detectability of predicted gravitational-wave signals in the nanohertz frequency band in a coherent, flexible, and computationally efficient manner.
Recommended Citation
Hazboun, Jeffrey S., Joseph D. Romano, and Tristan L. Smith. "Realistic sensitivity curves for pulsar timing arrays." Physical Review D 100.10 (2019): 104028.
Publication Title
Physical Review D
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