RGV Promotional Literature Collection
For a complete list of resources, visit RGV Promotional Literature Collection located in the UTRGV ArchiveSpace.
A Valley Hello [brochure]
Plaza National Bank (Harlingen, TX)
A promotional brochure likely compiled by local chambers of commerce that features information on regional businesses, attractions, and leisure activities. Includes fold-out map and recipes.
Also includes a brief overview of the Pan American University Marine Biology Laboratory, which is now known as the UTRGV Coastal Studies Lab.
Bicentennial Calendar of Brownsville, Texas: 1976
A calendar containing photographs taken by Robert Runyon with brief accompanying histories.
Brownsville, Texas, Fort Brown & Matamoros, Mexico - Original souvenir albums of all American & Canadian cities & sceneries
W. H. Chatfield and Chisolm Bros.
General view of Brownsville -- Elizabeth St. south end -- Twelfth St. looking east -- Mexican Jacales -- Steamboat landing, Rio Grande River -- Rio Grande Railroad depot and repair shots -- Grammar school building -- Brothers college -- Convent school -- Corner of Market Square -- Episcopal church and rectory -- Presbyterian church -- Catholic cathedral -- City market and plaza -- Convent -- General view of Fort Brown -- Summer uniform -- Headquarters -- Cathedral and Custom house -- United States Consulate -- Headquarters of 4th Military Zone -- A corner of the plaza -- Street scene: Abasolo & 7th sts. -- Opera house -- Old Spanish church -- City market -- Ferries over Rio Grande and Custom offices -- County court house -- Water carts -- H. E. Woodhouse home, Thomas Carson home -- S. W. Brooks home -- Emilio C. Forto home -- William Kelly home -- View west from court house -- Antonio Yznaga residence -- Residence of Robert Dalzell -- View from north court house.
Charro Days, 1938 February 24–27
Charro Days, Inc.
Booklet that serves as an invitation to and program schedule for the first annual Charro Days fiesta in Brownsville, February 24–27, 1938. The booklet also outlines traditions, including costumes, dance, and more.
It includes a program of events and lists the Board of Directors and Committee Chairmen/women. Many local business are featured as advertisers and supporters of the Charro Days fiesta.
CONTENT WARNING: This booklet contains language that is potentially harmful, including racist, outdated, biased, and other potentially offensive views that do not reflect the opinions or positions of UTRGV University Library.
Charro Days, 1941 February 20–23
Charro Days, Inc.
Booklet inviting attendees to the 4th Annual Gala Celebration of Charro Days, February 20–23, 1941 at Brownsville, Texas. The booklet describes the traditions surrounding the event, including dress, history, and culture.
It includes a program of events and lists the Board of Directors and Committee Chairmen/women.
Booklet published by Shelton Bros. Artwork by Genevieve Armstrong.
CONTENT WARNING: This booklet contains language that is potentially harmful, including racist, outdated, biased, and other potentially offensive views that do not reflect the opinions or positions of UTRGV University Library.
Charro Days Brochure
Charro Days, Inc.
Brochure advertising Charro Days activities and events in Brownsville
Edinburg educational center
Edinburg Chamber of Commerce
A pamphlet promoting the growth of the city of Edinburg. Includes pictures of a school, roads, hospital, among others, and talks about the citrus industry.
"Greetings from the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas " Souvenir Folder [postcards]
Curtis Tech & Company (Chicago, IL) and C & H News Company (Harlingen, TX)
Souvenir postcards promoting the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas for vacation travel, agriculture, and ideal living conditions.
Harlingen Golden Anniversary Celebration, April 24-30, 1960 Official Program
City of Harlingen and Verna Jackson McKenna
Booklet highlighting important historical events that occurred in Harlingen and the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Included are histories of local brands, stores, organizations, government, and attractions.
Hidalgo Irrigation Pumphouse : Preserving Hidalgo Heritage
Lauraine Miller and Hidalgo Chamber of Commerce
Physical item available at the UTRGV Special Collections & Archives Edinburg Campus. Link to record.
Hug the Coast Highway Celebration [program and brochure]
Hug the Coast Highway
Official Program for the Hug-the-Coast Highway Celebration held December 17th, 1940 in Raymondville, Texas.
Also includes a brochure, "HUG THE COAST HIGHWAY THROUGH THE STATE OF TEXAS From The Louisiana State Line to The Mexican Border, NOTE: The points of interest along this beautiful highway and other information, are shown in small type following each town. For more detailed information consult the local Chamber of Commerce."
Information about Harlingen and the Lower Rio Grande Valley
Harlingen Chamber of Commerce
Pamphlet highlighting the growth of the city of Harlingen and the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Different services and utilities there are also described.
In Rio Grande Valley Paradise : Sharyland : where nature produces the world's sweetest citrus fruits
Southwestern Land Company (Mission, Tex.)
Hand-colored promotional booklet highlighting the Southwestern Land Company in Mission, Texas.
Letters from Your Northern Neighbors Who Are Now Satisfied and Prosperous Lower Rio Grande Valley Farmers [brochure]
Oliver-Jackson Investment Company (Kansas City, MO)
Brochure published by Oliver-Jackson Investment Company featuring "Letters from Your Northern Neighbors Who Are Now Satisfied and Prosperous Lower Rio Grande Valley Farmers."
Lloyd's magazine - The story of the Rio Grande Valley and other big features
Everett Lloyd
Black and white magazine. Story pertaining to the Rio Grande Valley: "The truth about the Rio Grande Valley and its builders".
McAllen, Texas, the city of palms
McAllen Chamber of Commerce (Tex.) and Johnston Printing & Advertising Company
Hand-colored promotional booklet highlighting McAllen, Texas.
Missouri Pacific Lines - Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas [brochure]
Missouri Pacific Lines [railway brochure] promoting the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas
"What Editors of Some of the Country's Leading Farm Journals Saw on a Tour of the. Lower Rio Grande Valley
To broaden their store of knowledge of agricultural conditions, members of the American Agricultural Editor's Association, made a three-week tour over the Missouri Pacific Lines in Louisiana, Texas, and through Mexico in March and April 1927. The Association is composed of editorial heads of the country's leading farm publications.Extracts from some of the many articles they wrote concerning the Lower Rio Grande Valley are reprinted on the following pages. Published for the Information of Those Interested in This New and Growing Section of South Texas by The Missouri Pacific Lines"
Palm Bowl: NAIA National Championship Football 1979
National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics
Promotional brochure of the 1979 Palm Bowl. It was the NAIA National Football Championship played at McAllen Veterans Memorial Stadium in McAllen, Texas on December 15, 1979.
Pan American College 2nd Annual Inter-Collegiate Rodeo, April 23-25, 1964 Official Program
Pan American College and National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association
Points of interest in and around Brownsville
Brownsville Chamber of Commerce
Black and white pamphlet that highlights the touristic places of Brownsville, Texas. It includes a map, and a description of detailed activities, as well as facts about the lower Rio Grande Valley.
Sharyland (view book)
John H. Shary
From the inside cover "The following views are faithful reproductions of genuine photographs of some of the many objects of interest to be seen on the John H. Shary Subdivision and other points of in the Lower Rio Grande Valley."
View book contains 40 pages printed in black and white with brief captions (left) and photographs (right).
Souvenir of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas: original poems of the Valley and songs
W. E. Stewart Land Co.
America -- Fair Valley land -- Where the Rio Grande is flowing -- Going down to Texas -- Sweet Genevieve -- My old Kentucky home -- The Rio Grande Valley -- It's a long way to dear old Texas -- You're the flower of my heart, sweet Adeline -- When you and I were young, Maggie -- The Lower Rio Grande -- The land of corn and cane -- Silver threads among the gold. -- Good-by, old snow -- Loyalty to the Rio Grande. -- Old black joe -- Put on your old gray bonnet -- The old oaken bucket. -- Swanee River -- Nearer, my God, to thee -- When the roll is called up yonder. -- Brighten the corner where you are -- Rock of ages. -- Where He leads me I will follow. -- There is a fountain. -- Jesus, lover of my soul. -- Good night medley. -- Good night, ladies. -- My castle on the Rio Grande. -- How you goin' to keep 'em way up north. -- Throbs from the heart of joy land. -- The Wanderer. -- L envoi. -- The old order changeth. -- The lower valley in verse. -- Piedras de las conchas (The rocks of Concha, the Lily.) -- The first white man's cemetery in the Valley. -- The trip. Cities visited en route to and from the Valley. -- A golden wedding gift. -- As the train leaves the union station. -- The vision of San Juan. -- The pioneer's story -- Brief history of the W.E. Stewart Land Company and some serious thoughts. -- Bank statements. -- 'Til we meet again.
Sugar in Rio Grande Valley : the sugar bowl of America
C.H. Swallow & Co.
Promotional brochure for investing in sugar plantations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.
The beautiful valley of the lower Rio Grande
Gulf Coast Lines, Missouri Pacific Railroad Company
Hand-colored promotional "booklet produced by the Gulf Coast Lines, a part of the Missouri Pacific System, has for its purpose an effort to acquaint those who have never seen the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Figuratively, this booklet will take the visitor on a trip through the Valley between dawn and sunset, with fleeting glimpses at all sections of the Valley."
The centennial celebration of the organization of Hidalgo County in Texas, December 7-13, 1952 Official Program
Hidalgo County Centennial Corp. and Times Pub. Co.
Black and white booklet promoting the centennial of Hidalgo County.
The Grapefruit Special vol.1 no.3
Julia Cameron Montgomery
A short booklet dedicated to the Golden Grapefruit of the Rio Grande Valley. The booklet describes how the Valley is a great place for agriculture. It also addresses other areas such as fishing and hunting, and women's activities.
The Gulf Coast Country
S. Dean Wasson; Gulf Coast Lines (Houston, TX); and Rein Printing Company (Houston, TX)
Promotional literature for the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, featuring information about agriculture, crops, livestock farming, homes, irrigation, schools, recreation, health, and other community amenities.
The Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas
Missouri Pacific Railroad Company
This booklet contains advertisement for the Rio Grande Valley that highlights the various commercial, agricultural, and recreational prospects available. It chronicles the impact of the railroad's arrival and how it stimulated progress in areas such as irrigation, fishing, hunting, beaches, lodging, cities, residences, farming, and crops like cotton. Additionally, it touches on the importance of religion and high-quality education, and the expansion of the railroad network to enhance accessibility.
The treasure land of the lower Rio Grande
Baker Bros. Engravers
Black and white promotional booklet describing the Lower Rio Grande Valley. It covers everything that the Lower Rio Grande Valley has to offer, and how it was growing in all sectors.
The True Story of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas: Where Crops Never Fail [booklet]
Jay M. Jackson
Promotional booklet compiled by Jackson Vreeland Land Company to encourage Americans to acquire land in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The booklet provides information on climate, agriculture, and regional amenities, and also features letters written by previous and current investors.
The author writes, "The of this booklet is to set forth the true conditions and facts existing in the Lower Rio Grande district--a district that is now attracting a larger immigration and is being settled more rapidly by the people of the North, including people from northern and central Texas, than any other district on the American continent..."
Yearbook of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas and Northern Mexico, 1961
Mabel Collier Eppright and Gladys Collier Hooper
A Welcome from the Governor of Texas / Price Daniel -- "The Valley-A Metropolitan Area," / Jack H. Drake -- Highlights of 1960-Facts, Figures and Events -- Letters to the Editors -- Did You Know? Unusual Facts in the Valley -- "Agriculture," / Stanley B. Crockett -- "Marrs Early Orange," / Mabel C. Eppright -- Agriculture-Citrus, Vegetables, Cotton -- Let's Go to Mexico -- Fascinating Phases of Valley Life -- "Valley Variety," / Bill Watts -- "Cotton," / W. R. Cowley -- "Cotton's Problems in a Changing Agricultural Economy," / R. D. Lewis.