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Objective: This study examined a work-related intervention designed to assist people with serious mental illness (SMI) in overcoming employment barriers.

Methods: A pre- post-test experimental design was used to investigate the effects of a 10-session, prevocational seminar on self-efficacy and work motivation among adults with SMI residing in an inpatient psychiatric facility. Three one-way ANCOVAs were applied to analyze post-test results for the dependent measures.

Findings: Although significant findings were not found regarding the effectiveness of the prevocational seminar on self-efficacy, other interesting discoveries were made. One noteworthy outcome was persons with SMI wanted to work but experienced barriers, including discrimination, decreased motivation, and work disincentives that impeded their return to employment.

Conclusions and Implications for Practice: Vocational rehabilitation (VR) counselors continue to face challenges in their efforts to increase employment among persons with SMI. The results from the present study underscore the need for skills training and innovative VR strategies to mitigate barriers to employment among persons with SMI.


© 2019 National Rehabilitation Counseling Association.

Publication Title

Journal of Rehabilitation



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