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As the population of individuals from minoritized ethnic background continues to grow in the United States, the relationship between humans and their companion animals can provide valuable information for human services professionals. Attachment to companion animals can play a significant part in clients’ emotional wellbeing, family dynamics, and quality of life. This study aimed to examine the associations between human attachment with companion animals and their educational training and attitudes about animals. Analysis revealed that relational attachment was significant among Latino students in the study, and participants’ positive attitudes and beliefs about animals significantly predicted their level of attachment to companion animals. Participants also reported having diverse species of companion animals that demanded different responsibilities. Considerations to enhance service delivery and educational preparation of future human services professionals have implications for humane education and improved client outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Castillo, Y. A., & Chen, R. (2022). Assessing companion animal attachment among future Latino human services professionals. Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences, 16(1), 178–194.
Publication Title
Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences
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