Document Type
Book Chapter
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In the United States, the attainment of a postsecondary degree is seen as an important milestone that leads to a financially rewarding career. College graduates can expect an increase of 75% in lifetime earnings compared to non-college graduates (Kumok & Hahn, 2023). It is estimated that in 2022, 54% of American adults had earned at least a bachelor's degree (Welding, 2023). Estimates vary as to the number of students with disabilities (SWD) attending postsecondary education ranging from 9-19% (Blasey et al., 2023). The true number of college SWD at any one time is unknown as students must self-report and seek services which not all do; however, it can be safely said that the number is significantly higher than the reported 9-19%. Federal legislation has had a major impact on access to postsecondary education for SWD. This chapter will provide historical background on legislation as it pertains to SWD and will discuss common campus support services, current issues within the field of postsecondary disability support, and recommendations to improve the inclusion and success of SWD.
Recommended Citation
Reed, B. J., Vasquez, R. C., & Gonzalez, C. C. (2025). Federal Laws and On-Campus Supports for Students With Disabilities in Postsecondary Education. In D. Bates & C. Ortega (Eds.), Innovative Approaches in Counselor Education for Students With Disabilities (pp. 59-76). IGI Global Scientific Publishing.
Publication Title
Innovative Approaches in Counselor Education for Students With Disabilities
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