School of Medicine Publications and Presentations

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The Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic elicited a rapid commitment to the development of animal models for ZIKV research. Non-human primates (NHPs) and mice have made significant contributions to this research, but NHPs are expensive, have a long gestation period, and are available only in small numbers; non-genetically modified mice are resistant to infection. To address these deficiencies, we have established the laboratory opossum, Monodelphis domestica, as a small animal model that complements the mouse and monkey models. We developed and validated an indirect ELISA for measuring antibodies to ZIKV in opossums, as well as an immunohistochemistry (IHC) method to detect ZIKV NS1 protein in tissue samples. Opossum pups inoculated intracerebrally as embryos, juveniles inoculated by several routes, and mothers that cannibalized inoculated pups became persistently infected with ZIKV. The virus spread to multiple organs and persisted for up to 38 weeks (the latest endpoint of the experiments). A robust humoral immune response was mounted, and high titers of antibodies also persisted for 38 weeks. The results establish M. domestica as a natural, non-genetically modified animal model in which ZIKV persists long-term after experimental exposure and as a unique animal model for research on the immune response to ZIKV.


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Office of Human Genetics

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