Academic/Professional Position (Other)
Presentation Type
Discipline Track
Community/Public Health
Abstract Type
Program Abstract
Purpose: Create an attainable Spanish language education program within a medical residency program to increase the quality, efficiency, and equality of healthcare received by patients.
Description: Free DuoLingo language education application was chosen for the program due to being easily accessible, offering the ability to break down lessons into small timeframes, being user-friendly, and game format design. User’s learning goals can be tracked on this application.
The duration of the QI Project was 4 months, and the population size was 3 residents. Each were requested to complete 10 minutes per day or 70 min per week (on average) for Spanish education on DuoLingo. Participants linked accounts with the project lead to allow monitoring throughout the study. The goal was to see if this time requirement was feasible for medical residents to meet.
Results/Looking Ahead: The results concluded that it was not feasible. Average time spent a week was 7.4 mins a week. One subject did not participate at all and one resident averaged 98 minutes per week. The main problem with adherence appears to be the time length requirements were too long for residents who have limited time during training. The next phase of the QI project would be to decrease the time requirement to 40 min per week to see if this time requirement is more feasible to be achieved. Once feasibility is determined, the next step would be to determine the efficacy of using DuoLingo to learn Spanish.
Recommended Citation
Lancarte, Cameron Paul and Fahey, James, "Duolingo to Improve Linguistics of the Medical Resident" (2023). Research Symposium. 17.
Included in
Duolingo to Improve Linguistics of the Medical Resident
Purpose: Create an attainable Spanish language education program within a medical residency program to increase the quality, efficiency, and equality of healthcare received by patients.
Description: Free DuoLingo language education application was chosen for the program due to being easily accessible, offering the ability to break down lessons into small timeframes, being user-friendly, and game format design. User’s learning goals can be tracked on this application.
The duration of the QI Project was 4 months, and the population size was 3 residents. Each were requested to complete 10 minutes per day or 70 min per week (on average) for Spanish education on DuoLingo. Participants linked accounts with the project lead to allow monitoring throughout the study. The goal was to see if this time requirement was feasible for medical residents to meet.
Results/Looking Ahead: The results concluded that it was not feasible. Average time spent a week was 7.4 mins a week. One subject did not participate at all and one resident averaged 98 minutes per week. The main problem with adherence appears to be the time length requirements were too long for residents who have limited time during training. The next phase of the QI project would be to decrease the time requirement to 40 min per week to see if this time requirement is more feasible to be achieved. Once feasibility is determined, the next step would be to determine the efficacy of using DuoLingo to learn Spanish.