School of Podiatric Medicine Publications and Presentations

Fully Synthetic Bioengineered Nanomedical Scaffold in Chronic Neuropathic Foot Ulcers

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Introduction: Chronic ulcerations on weightbearing surfaces of the lower extremities are uniquely challenging and can lead to complications such as infection or amputation.

Objective: This 3-patient case series of 4 chronic wounds of various etiologies outlines the use of a fully synthetic bioengineered nanomedical scaffold that exhibits durability and allows for cell migration and angiogenesis while resisting enzymatic degradation.

Materials and methods: The nanomedical scaffold was rehydrated in sterile saline at room temperature for 3 to 5 minutes until translucent and pliable, then it was fenestrated with a scalpel. Following sharp debridement, it was affixed to the ulcer. A nonadherent dressing was applied, followed by applying a moist sterile dressing in a bolster fashion.

Results: All 4 ulcers reached the primary endpoints of granulation, as well as decreased wound size, using the nanomedical scaffold.

Conclusions: The nanomedical scaffold successfully reduced the ulcer depths, stimulated granulation tissue while preventing necrosis, and helped the wounds remain infection free. The outcome of this case series suggests a fully synthetic bioengineered nanomedical scaffold can be used as an alternative to human or animal extracellular matrix in chronic, hard-to-heal neuropathic ulcers.


Copyright HMP Communications.

Publication Title

Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice

Academic Level

