Teaching and Learning Faculty Publications and Presentations
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Book Chapter
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Our pedagogical essay emerges from three members of the Aztlan Study Group, a study group dedicated to mutual support in learning, teaching, and research as related to the critical study of the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) and, more broadly, Aztlan. Our essay sketches resistant, transnational, and translanguaging traditions of the RGV and conjugates them with our in situ notion of critical curricular-pedagogical praxis. Critical circular pedagogical praxis, by definition, refers to critical pedagogy specifically elaborated within specific bioregions and leveraged towards collective conscientization. In our conclusion, we return to our understanding of critical curricular-pedagogical praxis in order to advance the decolonizing imperative in critical pedagogies.
Recommended Citation
Garza, R., Eufracio, G., & Jupp, J. C. (2023). Resistant Traditions of the Rio Grande Valley, Aztlan. In J. C. Jupp (Ed.), On Itinerant Curriculum Theory: Decolonial Praxes, Theories, and Histories (p. 39-62). Peter Lang Group AG. https://doi.org/10.3726/b20936
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Itinerant Curriculum Theory: Decolonial Praxes, Theories, and Histories
Version of Record that has been published in On Itinerant Curriculum Theory: Decolonial Praxes, Theories, and Histories by / edited by J. C. Jupp. The original work can be found at: https://doi.org/10.3726/b20936. © Peter Lang AG, 2023. All rights reserved