Begun by Dr. Mark Glazer in the mid-1980s, this renowned bilingual collection features over 100,000 items, including folk beliefs, proverbs, folktales, traditional recipes, jokes, and riddles, and much more. These holdings continue to grow through community donations.

The Traditional Mexican American Folklore also contains nearly 3500 recipes for folk foods, including those from BSA’s annual culinary contests (2012– 2020). Border Studies Archive hosted members of the community and local chefs in a food competition to celebrate regional Mexican cuisine, including mole, capirotada, tamale, and pozole, among others.

The collection contains restricted material and is open for research on a strictly limited basis. Online research requests are the easiest way for BSA patrons and scholars to initiate their research inquiries. Be sure to include specific details about your research interest. Click here for a list of collection holdings.


Browse the Traditional Mexican American Folklore Collection:

Mark Glazer's Traditional Mexican American Folklore Collection

Traditional Mexican American Folklore - Folk Food