UTPA Archives - Media

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This performance was a concert by several UTPA students to honor Virginia Haynie Gause who will retire as Media and Marketing Librarian at The University of Texas - Pan American (UTPA) after almost 42 years of service. The concert was held from 7-9 PM on Monday, May 11, 2015 in the UTPA Student Union Theater.
Musicians: Dante Cardenas, Niko de la Garza, Arnold Fonseca, Esteban Padilla, Dave Ramirez, Amanda Ramirez. Special Guest Musician: Jonathan Lee Salinas. Producers: Dante Cardenas, Arnold Fonseca. Special Guest Producer: Esteban Padilla. Sound Engineer: Dave Ramirez. Graphic Designer: Jorge Camarillo. Videographer: Roel Resendez.
Physical Description
.MP4, 01:55:10, 333 MB
Recommended Citation
UTPA Archives - Media, UTRGV Digital Library, The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley. Accessed via https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/utpamedia

Originally uploaded to UTPA Library YouTube page.