UTPA Archives - Media

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Holiday Video Credits In order of appearance: Dr. Robert S. Nelsen, UT Pan American President Bucky the Bronc Letty Garza -- UTPA Alum ('83), KRGV-TV Channel 5 news anchor Tim Smith, KRGV-TV Channel 5 chief meteorologist Ryan Marks, NCAA Division I Men's Head Basketball Coach Broncs Basketball Team Broncs Cheerleaders Linda Matthews, Chair, Department of Management Penny Simpson, Associate Dean, College of Business Administration Jerald Hughes, Associate Dean, College of Business Administration Joo Jung, Professor, Department of Management Sibin Wu, Professor, Department of Management Jorge Gonzalez, Professor, Department of Management John Sargent, Professor, Department of Management Michael Abebe, Professor, Department of Management The Pan American Student Newspaper: Roxanne Garcia, Editor in Chief; Alma Hernandez, Editor in Chief; Pamela Morales, Multimedia Editor Valley Symphony Orchestra with Dr. Peter Dabrowski, Music Director Pete Gonzalez, Physical Plant Andy Hernandez, Physical Plant Elizabeth Lopez, Physical Plant Edgar Cantu, Physical Plant Student Government Association: Vice President Jorge Galindo and the SGA Senate UT Pan American Students President Robert S. Nelsen, Jody Nelsen and Bucky the Bronc Extra Special Thanks Valley Symphony Orchestra and Chorale Student Union Office of Student Development Dean of Students Department of Intercollegiate Athletics UTPA Visitors Center Physical Plant Department of Management All of our faculty, staff, students and alumni, who exude Bronc Spirit every day. GO BRONCS! Creative Team Video Services: Michael Sandoval, Kevin Shropshire, Jesus Gutierrez, Fernando Martinez, Armando Artidiello, Johnathan Cox Studio Twelve01: Danny Cardenas, Sally Mendiola, Kimberly Selber Web Services: Russell Dove, Ana Flores, Kumar Raman
Physical Description
.MP4, 00:03:00
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UTPA Archives - Media, UTRGV Digital Library, The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley. Accessed via https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/utpamedia/
