Writing and Language Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations

Dreaming a Decolonial Praxis: Dreams, Visual Interpretations, and Decolonial Aesthetics

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



This chapter’s title “Dreaming a Decolonial Praxis” refers to the literal definition and experience of dreaming and its links to art and epistemology. It also relates to how one’s own dreams, unique artistic expressions, and even epistemologies have already been colonized. Specifically, this chapter aims to explore the possibility that one can delink one’s most intimate thoughts and expressions from broader colonial projects through the use of Indigenizing epistemologies (especially in the classroom). Given the connection of dreams and art with border murals—such artistic expressions are someone’s intimate imaginings—this chapter also examines what makes the visibility and visualities of murals and borders so impactful, again using the critical lens of a facultades serpentinas methodology.


Copyright the Author.

Publication Title

Decolonial Arts Praxis


