Writing and Language Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations
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Our study endeavors to explore how culturally relevant care manifests in our teaching at a predominantly Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI). Through duoethnography and collaborative interpretation of narrative data from our former students, we seek to better understand our own and our students’ learning experiences. Collecting our own and our students’ perspectives and stories about lived experiences with us as professors in narrative form allows for us and our respondents to reflect and express freely--to share views, impressions, interpretations, and experiences in our/their own words. Analysis of narrative reflections provides an opportunity to craft a story, to give voice to those living within the intersection of race, ethnicity, and cross-cultural teaching–learning relationships at a predominantly Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI). Findings intend to illuminate personal epistemologies (Hofer & Bendixen, 2012) and dispositions for transcending cultural, racial, and linguistic boundaries in higher education, thus providing a multifaceted collective story of cultivating care in cross-cultural teaching–learning relationships.
Recommended Citation
Koonce, J. B., & Lewis, K. A. (2020). Culturally Relevant Care Through the Lens of Duoethnography. The Qualitative Report, 25(6), 1721-1735. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2020.4489
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
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The Qualitative Report
© 2020 Jacqueline B. Koonce, Karin A. Lewis, and Nova Southeastern University. Original published version available at https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol25/iss6/19