Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Dr. Jose Rodriguez

Second Advisor

Dr. Robert Johnson

Third Advisor

Dr. Marci McMahon


My thesis has a critical introduction that gives a short history of creative nonfiction. I focus on Lee Gutkin’s contribution to creative nonfiction. I also gave some examples of creative nonfiction in my introduction. I included Mary Karr, Lauren Slater, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and William Shakespeare. My thesis contains twelve pieces of writing ranging from narrative nonfiction to poetry, highlighting my experiences growing up in a single parent home in a small border town. I utilize the literary aspects of totemic writing, the journey to the green world, the motif of loss and growing up in a small town, and the realism embedded in a world of a journey through adolescence to adulthood. Through my writing I am forced to face repressed memories and struggles, leading me to a renewed sense of self. Much of my writing is influenced by the works of Mary Karr, Ernest Hemingway, and Shakespeare.


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