Theses and Dissertations
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While presented for scholarly and research purposes, the works in this collection may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without permission of the authors.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Beta Lactams Anticancer Effect on Human Breast Cancer, MCF-7 Cell Line, Ailis A. Abalos
Model-Based and Model-Free Control Approaches in Subgrids: A Conceptual Review of Control Strategies in Microgrids, Omobolade H. Abioye
A Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of the Well-Structure Integrity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems Using Numerical Simulation, John Alfred Ganal Acevedo
Affective Life, Mobility and Unity in U.S.-Mexico Transborder Families, Aaron A. Adame Sosa
Missing Data Imputation With Longitudinal Data, Joseph Omar Alanis
An Examination of Adverse Childhood Experiences as a Predictor of Physical Activity in Emerging Adults, Christian Alvarado
Care-Teach: Proposing an Open-Source Approach to Personalized Learning, Jaime Augusto Alvarez Perez
Development of the Structure and Control System of a Stewart Platform Robot for Human Balance Recovery Interventions, Rhobenn R. Alvarez Zambrano
The Effect of Advertising on Consumers Self-Improvement Motivation: When and How Advertising Motivates Consumers, Suwakitti Amornpan
The Development and Analysis of Practical Decision Support Tool Implementations: Case Studies From Small Business to Large Government Enterprise, Alexis Andaverde
Vessel Delay Detection and Pattern Mining From AIS Data, Naznin Ara
Unquiet Quitting: The Lived Experiences of Latinx Teacher Attrition in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Dolores Araujo Jr.
Corre y Se Va: A Collection of Ramblings, Daniella Arredondo
RSM for the Optimization of Selective Laser Melting Process Parameters for Manufacturing Initial Layers of Horizontal Overhang Structures, Prince Yaw Asamani
Evaluating Feature Selection Methods in Machine Learning With Class Imbalance, Martha Asare
An Analysis of Fish Assemblages and Flow Regimes Upstream and Downstream of Falcon Reservoir, Christopher J. Austin
Technical Potential and Challenges for Agrivoltaic Development in Nigeria, Ifeoluwa Ezekiel Babarinde
Cultural Norms and the Expression of Affection in Nigerian Yoruba Families, Tolulope G. Banjo
Tarnished Glory: The Exclusion of Buffalo Soldiers in World War I, David Michael Barron
Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms for the Prediction of Gas Adsorption in Metal-Organic Framework Materials, Juan G. Benitez
Study of Temperature Effects of Glucose and Microwave Dielectric Dispersion Model, Ethan Grant Boone
Uncovering Insights on Remote Learning Through a Critical Discourse Analysis of Tweets at the Start of the Pandemic in the United States, Douglas Wayne Bridges
Habitat Restoration Along the U.S.-Mexican Border Examining Collaborative Governance for the Bahia Grande, Mya Jude Brown
Democratizing Social Studies Education: Testimonios of Mexicana Youth in El Llano Grande de Aztlan, Cecile M. Caddel
Persistence and Lived Experiences of Doctoral Students at a Hispanic Serving Institution, Jacob Michael Camacho
Exploring 3rd-8th Grade Teachers’ Conceptions of the NWEA MAP Assessment and the Relationship on Grade Level, Content Area, and Students’ Academic Growth, Dymphna Jewelle Canales
Analyzing Teachers' Perceptions of a Principal's Instructional Leadership Practices on a Dual Language Campus Using the Blase and Blase Reflective Growth Model, Selene Canales-Garcia
Online Learning Communities and Secondary Educators' Tech-Enhanced Instructional Practices: A Correlational Study, Oscar R. Carrera
Understanding Social Media as a Communicative Tool to Facilitate Critical Discourse: Using #BlackGirlMagic to Explore How Black Women in Higher Education “Talk Back", Crystal Spruill Carter
Synthesis of Silicon Carbide, Titanium Nitride, and Titanium Carbide Nanofibers: Exploring Novel Approaches with Unique Precursors, Jahaziel Eduardo Cavazos
Feasibility Study on Microwave Glucose Level Monitoring, Ricardo Cepeda
Thermodynamic Feasibility of Potential Nano-Energetic Systems Based on Metal Oxynitrides, Manoj Chhetri
Development of a More Sustainable High and Ultra-High-Performance Concrete, Enrique Chirino Andalco
Mitigating the Greenhouse Gas Footprint of Hydropower via Floating Solar Photovoltaic Integration: A Modeling and Predictive Analysis Study, Areefin Ul Hassan Chowdhury
Improvement of Triboelectric Nanogenerator by As-Prepared Lithium Niobate for Energy Harvesting and Sensing Applications, Jahid Inam Chowdhury
Soil Carbon Sequestration Efforts in Arid and Semi-Arid Climates Under Conservation Agriculture and Reforestation, Samantha Lynn Colunga
Leveraging a Community of Practice to Advance STEM Education Reform and Promote Teacher and Student Self-Efficacy, Ruth Renee Colyer
Role of Interferon-Induced Protein With Tetratricopeptide Repeats 3 (IFIT3) in HIV-1 Associated Neurodegenerative Disorder and Alzheimer’s Disease, Ranjit Kumar Das
Ecological Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Vegetated Estuarine Soils of the Lower Laguna Madre, David R. de la Garza
Validation, Optimization, and Experimentation of Electro-Centrifugal Spinning, Carlos Alberto Delgado
Studies of Novel and Well-Defined Dinickel Architectures Utilizing an N-Atom Bridge, David Anthony de los Santos
Conditional Quantization for Uniform Distributions on Line Segments and Regular Polygons, Tsianna Danielle Dominguez
Density Functional Theory and Machine Learning Analysis of C—C Reductive Coupling From Terminal Cyanido and Cyaphido Complexes, Roberto Magdiel Escobar
A multivariate analysis of the gravitational wave signal landscape from core collapse supernovae, Raul Alberto Espinosa Perez
Proof of Concept: Simulating Drone Tracking in a Border Security Context, Jose Ruben Espinoza
Autohistorias in the Borderlands: A Narrative Inquiry, Gricelda Eufracio
Assessing Cover Crop Adoption Factors in the Rio Grande Valley Through a Social-Ecological Perspective, Mackenzie Feldman
Theoretical Insights and Analysis Into Luneburg Lens, Aram Flores
Resonances of Electrostatically Actuated Non-Uniform MEMS Cantilever Resonator of Constant Width and Linearly Varying Thickness, Rigoberto Flores
Developing Hispanic Pre-Service Elementary Bilingual Teachers’ Cultural Competence and Teacher Identity Through Mixed Reality Simulation, Yajaira A. Flores
Investigating the Role of the Estrous Cycle on Memory in Syrian Hamsters, Laura Emma Garcia
An Exploratory Case Study of Students’ Blended Learning Experiences During Post Emergency Learning, Heidy M. Garcia Moreno
Utilizing Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and Computer Software to Assess Effects of Cover Crops on Cash Crop Volumetric Mass and Plant Height, Carlos Andres Garcia Patlan
Investigating the Relationships Among Explicit and Implicit Language Bias, Reading Motivation, and Reading Comprehension Among Bilingual College Students, Erika Vanessa Garza
“Overcoming Is Everything”: Testimonios From Latina School Leaders Navigating Eurocentric Curriculum, Martha Elena Garza
Evaluation of Polymerization Condition Reactions of Methyl Vinyl Ketone for Hydrogen Storage, Rituborna Ghosh
Mitigation Methods for Instrumental Artifacts in Gravitational Wave Data, Raghav Girgaonkar
Unveiling Eureka Math: A Critical Peek Behind the Curricular Curtain, Jennifer L. Goldin-Weeks
A Phenomenological Study of Latina Poets as Leaders at Higher Education Institutions, Rodney Gomez
The Heroine Among Us: An Analysis of the Feminine Principle of the Heroine Archetype in Motion Pictures and Its Implication for Social Discourse, Neldie Gonzales
Modulating Covalency in a Ni-H-Al Subunit: Synthesis and Characterization of a Series of Electronically Differentiating Ni-Al Heterometallics, Aleida Guadalupe Gonzalez
Courage, Daniela Guadalupe Gonzalez
A Historical Analysis of Bilingual Program Implementation, Jessica Gonzalez Perez
Personalized Driving Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning, Rodrigo J. Gonzalez Salinas
A Deep Dive Into the Conformations of Fluorine-Substituted Benzoic Acids and Ethanesulfonic Acid and Spectroscopic Characterizations of Their Hydrogen-Bonded Complexes, Alitza Gianina Gracia
In Absentia, Noreen M. Graf
Intrinsic Universality in Tile Automata and Related Results, Elise C. Grizzell
Challenges and Strategies in Science Learning: A Thematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Angelica A. Guanzon
Fight, Eduardo Daniel Guerra
Numerical Study of New Tuned Mass Friction Damper for Seismic Protection of Civil Structures, Syed Muhammad Bilal Haider
Conditional Constrained and Unconstrained Quantization for a Uniform Distribution on a Hexagon, Christina Hamilton
A Study of Quantitative Reasoning Instructors’ Choices and Motivations when Teaching Quantitative Reasoning for the First Time, Trish Ann Harding
Community Reintegration of Previously Incarcerated Individuals From a Virtue Perspective, Cindy Noemi Hernandez
Chemical Investigation of the Ethanol Extract of Tillandsia usneoides (Spanish Moss), Jakir Hossain
A Descriptive Exploration of Selected Employment Barriers and Supports for Individuals With Visual Impairments in Bangladesh, Mohammed Mozadded Hossen
Examining the Impact of Body Esteem and Cyberbullying Victimization on Mental Health Outcomes in College-Aged Women, Lorena Victoria Houghton
Synthesis and Characterization of Medicinally Privileged Aza Heterocycles, Nneoma James
Implementing Organic Fertilization Practices to Improve Aloe Vera Growth and Soil Health in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Isaiah Edward Jaramillo
The Effects of Using Dynamic Geometry Software While Exploring the Properties of Quadrilaterals, Jose J. Jaramillo
Sustainability of Military Values Post Military Service: A Quantitative Study, Jennifer Ann Jazinski
Bayesian Estimation of Reproduction Numbers from Distributions of Outbreaks Sizes: Branching Process Approach, Alberta Araba Johnson
Enhancing Educator Technology Skills in the Digital Age: A Comparative Analysis of Video and Screenshot Microlesson Professional Development, Brittni Knebel Kalich
Enumeration of Level-k Hypertriangulations, Patrick J. Kaylor
Bayesian Lasso Regularized Quantile Regression and Its Applications, Priscilla Kissi-Appiah
Investigating the Demise of East Bank Ridge Through Local Fishery Perceptions and Fish Population Metrics, Marissa R. Lamb
The Lipan Apache (Ndé) Tribe of Texas Powwow: A Curriculum of Culture(S) and Pedagogy of Place, Ashley S. Leal
Fabrication and Charcaterization of Pullulan-Collagen Nanofibers via Forcespinning, Valeria Leon Leal
Exploring the Protective Capacities of Colon Epithelial Cells Against Foodborne Microbes, Dikshanta Vinaya Luitel
The Association Between Childhood Trauma and Adulthood Depression and Posttraumatic Symptoms. Mediated through Emotion Regulation and Perceived Social Support., Josue David Luna Jr.
Developing Resilient Defense Strategies Against Pheromone-Based Attacks in Foraging Robot Swarms, Ryan A. Luna
Bridging Human Emotion and Autonomous Vehicle Control: Reinforcement Learning Enhancements in the CARLA Simulator, Timothy Marion Jude Lyons
The Perspectives of Using Desmos for Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency to Solve Linear Equations, Larmel Dimatulac Madrilejos