Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Curriculum & Instruction

First Advisor

Zhidong Zhang

Second Advisor

Laura M. Jewett

Third Advisor

Ignacio E. Rodriguez


This research study aimed to examine the social factors that could influence the academic learning experiences of Latino college students. Hispanic students are pursuing post-secondary degrees at a higher rate than in previous years. Many Hispanics represent their respective family members as the first members of their respective families to attend college (Trevino & DeFreitas, 2014). The academic achievement of Latino college students is becoming a major concern in the United States due to their growing population and special needs (Trevino & DeFreitas, 2014).

It is imperative to examine the social factors that could affect the academic learning experiences of Latino college students and Latino graduates so that the researcher will be in a better position to assist students at the college level and at the secondary level as well. In this research study, the researcher will survey Latino college students and Latino graduates in order to explore their perspectives regarding educational barriers and resources related to Latino student success. College outreach programs, peer tutoring, families, and other learning communities could attribute to Latino student success in colleges and universities. Implications for future research will be discussed, and recommendations will be offered regarding the academic learning of Latino college students.


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