Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Curriculum & Instruction

First Advisor

Joy Esquierdo

Second Advisor

Zulmaris Diaz

Third Advisor

Kip Austin Hinton


This qualitative exploratory study aimed to better understand how biliteracy is conveyed to native English speakers in order for them to acquire a second language, Spanish in a two-way dual language program. The study uses the theoretical framework of Jose Medina’s C6 Biliteracy Framework (2019) and research from Kathy Escamilla (2014). The research questions that guided this study were: (1) What type of instructional methods are the bilingual certified teachers utilizing to support Spanish development for native English students in a two-way dual language program? (2) How are bilingual teachers tracking the progress of native English speakers’ language proficiency in Spanish in a two-way dual language program? The study delved into the instructional approaches employed by bilingual educators to cultivate biliteracy among second language learners, aiming to equip students with the ability to become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural. The examination of the C6 Biliteracy Instructional Framework covered four key components showcasing the strategies employed by bilingual educators to enrich Spanish instruction for native English speakers. These components connect, collaborate, communicate, and consider, illustrate the methods utilized. Additionally, the study investigated the language employed specifically for native English speakers.

There is limited research conducted on native English speakers acquiring a second language in a two-way dual language classroom within the context of biliteracy. The findings from this study resulted in a consensus that an assessment tool to measure the language proficiency in Spanish for native English speakers is needed.


Copyright 2024 Dalila Ochoa.
