Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Exercise Science

First Advisor

Dr. Murat Karabulut

Second Advisor

Dr. Christopher Ledingham

Third Advisor

Dr. Merrill Funk


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of blood flow restriction warmups (BFR-WU) on skin temperature (ST), range of motion (ROM), and vertical jump (VJ) performance.

Methods: Forty-seven participants performed WU’s with unilateral BFR application. Each participant took part in five different WU durations. Measurements of ST, ROM, VJ were taken at baseline, post-WU, and post-8min.

Results: Significant conditions main effect (p<0.05), condition*time (p<0.05), WUduration*condition (p<0.01), and conditions*time*sex interactions (p<0.05) were found by repeated measures ANOVA.

Conclusion: The current findings reveal that BFR-WU’s react differently throughout time, when compared to NBFR-WU, for ST and VJ performance, but not ROM. The length of duration was only significant for hamstring skin temperature and did not affect VJ performance or ROM. The BFR condition yielded continuous increases in VJ performance throughout time, while the NBFR condition has post-WU increases and post-8min decreases. BFR-WU significantly reduced quad and hamstring ST post-WU, indicating a reduction skin blood flow with BFR use.


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