Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Dr. Christopher Carmona

Second Advisor

Dr. Britt Haraway

Third Advisor

Dr. David Bowles


Life In/Verse: A Poetry Collection embodies the collected poetic works of Xicanx writer/poet David Estringel. The collection sequentially follows his growth as a poet and overall creative development, highlighting organic shifts in poetic voice, use of language and space, theme, and rhythm. Through poetry, the nuances and multiple facets of his identity are explored, ultimately leading to a clearer sense of self and poetic voice, demonstrating maturity and seasoning that can only come with time, experience, and acceptance. Pulling from literary influences, such as Homer, Raymond Carver, and Federico Garcia Lorca, significant and all too human life experiences are unapologetically exposed and displayed for all to see in free-verse and haiku poetry forms that touch on love, loss, longing, the erotic, and—last but not least—poetry.


Copyright 2022 David Estringel. All Rights Reserved.
