School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



In this chapter, the authors report themes that emerged when a cross-cultural team of researchers involved in a virtual international community of practice (Global Social Justice in Education-GSJE) investigated reflections on activities focused on social justice in local and global contexts. The findings suggested that the activities elicited GSJE community members' understandings of the complexities of social justice associated with naming practices, privilege, and the arts within their own and across contexts. The authors discuss implications of the activities to advance diverse educators' understanding of social justice in global and local contexts. They also unpack the opportunities and challenges that resulted from the collaborative research process and the writing of this chapter completed by the international author team comprised of 11 education scholars from seven countries.


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Publication Title

Encouraging Transnational Learning Through Virtual Exchange in Global Teacher Education



Included in

Mathematics Commons



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