Civil Engineering Faculty Publications and Presentations

Initial Investigation of a More Sustainable Method for Constructing Electric Conductive Pavement

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Snowfall is a significant concern of the northern part of the US due to its adverse impacts on the three dimensions of sustainability, environment, economy, and society. Snow on highways can lead to pavement failure and cause accidents. Previous research studies reveal that about 15% of vehicle crash occurs on the road due to the accumulation of ice or snow on the pavement. Since over 70% of the US roads are in snowy regions, keeping the pavement surface free of snow during winter conditions is a significant challenge. Ongoing research explores different methods to melt the snow accumulating on the pavement's surface efficiently. However, based on findings documented in this research project, the proposed methods are not financially feasible. Therefore, it is required to conduct more advanced research to explore viable alternatives, which can melt the snow at a lower cost. This paper presents an initial investigation of a new sustainable construction approach for melting the snow by heating the pavement using a modified electric conductive composite applied to the top of the pavement surface. The initial finding shows that the applied approach effectively warmed pavement top surface and that capable of melting snow of pavements and saving a tremendous amount of money as well.


© 2023 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering

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Publication Title

Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2021


