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Cancer and Immunology
Academic Level (Author 2)
Discipline/Specialty (Author 2)
Cancer and Immunology
Academic Level (Author 5)
Discipline/Specialty (Author 5)
Cancer and Immunology
Academic Level (Author 6)
Discipline/Specialty (Author 6)
Cancer and Immunology
Academic Level (Author 7)
Discipline/Specialty (Author 7)
Cancer and Immunology
Academic Level (Author 8)
Discipline/Specialty (Author 8)
Cancer and Immunology
Discipline Track
Biomedical Science
Background: Adequate bioimaging is crucial in cancer management in many ways including screening, detection, characterization, staging and grading, therapy response, surgical guidance, and margins assessment. Indocyanine green (ICG) is one of the FDA-approved near infra-red fluorescent (NIRF) probe for cancer imaging and image-guided surgery in clinical setting. However, limitations of ICG includes poor photostability, high concentration toxicity, short circulation time, and poor cancer cell specificity. To overcome these hurdles, we engineered a nanoconstruct composed of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP)-indocyanine green that is cloaked self-assembled with tannic acid (termed as ICG-Glow NPs) for the cancer cells/tissues specific targeting.
Methods: Pursuing the novel nanotherapy approach, our lab has developed PVP-TA based ICG (PVT-ICG) fluorescent nanoparticles via self-assembly process. Our optimized PVT-ICG nanoformulation was further characterized for its physicochemical properties. An IVIS imaging system was further used to measure NIR fluorescence of novel PVT-ICG. Moreover, Human cancer (Breast, Pancreatic, Liver and Prostate) tissue microarrays (TMAs) were histochemically stained to assess cancer cell targeting/specificity of PVT-ICG.
Results: PVT-ICG indicated particle size and surface charge ideal for cancer cell/tissue delivery. PVT-ICG, further, demonstrated improved photostability and fluorescent intensity. Additionally, TMA studies exhibited enhanced internalization and cancer targeting/specificity of PVT-ICG nanoparticles compared to free ICG dye in all cancers.
Conclusion: Collectively, our findings suggest that this NIR fluorescent probe PVT-ICG has great potential for becoming a novel and safe imaging modality for various types of cancer cells and tumors which can result in early cancer diagnosis leading to improved disease management.
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Chauhan, Neeraj; Cabrera, Marco A.; Chowdhury, Pallabita; Nagesh, Prashanth K. B.; Dhasmana, Anupam; Jaggi, Meena; Chauhan, Subhash; and Yallapu, Murali M., "A novel nano fluorescent NIR probe for cancer cells bioimaging and targeting" (2024). Research Colloquium. 8.
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A novel nano fluorescent NIR probe for cancer cells bioimaging and targeting
Background: Adequate bioimaging is crucial in cancer management in many ways including screening, detection, characterization, staging and grading, therapy response, surgical guidance, and margins assessment. Indocyanine green (ICG) is one of the FDA-approved near infra-red fluorescent (NIRF) probe for cancer imaging and image-guided surgery in clinical setting. However, limitations of ICG includes poor photostability, high concentration toxicity, short circulation time, and poor cancer cell specificity. To overcome these hurdles, we engineered a nanoconstruct composed of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP)-indocyanine green that is cloaked self-assembled with tannic acid (termed as ICG-Glow NPs) for the cancer cells/tissues specific targeting.
Methods: Pursuing the novel nanotherapy approach, our lab has developed PVP-TA based ICG (PVT-ICG) fluorescent nanoparticles via self-assembly process. Our optimized PVT-ICG nanoformulation was further characterized for its physicochemical properties. An IVIS imaging system was further used to measure NIR fluorescence of novel PVT-ICG. Moreover, Human cancer (Breast, Pancreatic, Liver and Prostate) tissue microarrays (TMAs) were histochemically stained to assess cancer cell targeting/specificity of PVT-ICG.
Results: PVT-ICG indicated particle size and surface charge ideal for cancer cell/tissue delivery. PVT-ICG, further, demonstrated improved photostability and fluorescent intensity. Additionally, TMA studies exhibited enhanced internalization and cancer targeting/specificity of PVT-ICG nanoparticles compared to free ICG dye in all cancers.
Conclusion: Collectively, our findings suggest that this NIR fluorescent probe PVT-ICG has great potential for becoming a novel and safe imaging modality for various types of cancer cells and tumors which can result in early cancer diagnosis leading to improved disease management.