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F1314.C64 2007
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Anthropology | Geography | History | Latin American Languages and Societies | Military History
1. Areas de actividad y contextos en el Noreste Mexicano: caracterización de sitios de recolectores - cazadores mediante el uso de la Tipología Espacial / Gustavo A. Ramirez Castilla -- 2. Ubicación espacial de sitios arqueológicos en el municipio de Dr. Gonzalez Nuevo Leon / Efrain Flores Lopez -- 3. Sedentarismo en las adaptaciones de los cazadores y recolectores del bajo Rio Bravo / Martin Salinas -- 4. Permanencia de grupos cazadores - recolectores en respuesta a condiciones topográficas y naturales / Iran Roxana Dominguez Rodriguez -- 5. Un campamento-taller a la orilla del río Salado / Victor Hugo Valdovinos Perez y Iran Roxana Dominguez Rodriguez -- 6. Consideraciones sobre la arqueología de Reynosa, Tamaulipas / Carlos Vanueth Perez Silva -- 7. Tatuajes en las rocas: El lenguaje rupestre Chiquihuitillos en la region de Burgos, Tamaulipas / Diana Radillo Rolon -- 8. "Líneas de horizonte" un locatipo del arte rupestre de Nuevo Leon / Manuel Graniel Tellez. Segunda parte - Poblamiento y resistencia = Parte II - People and resistance: 9. Indian responses to New Santander colonizing process / Gerardo Lara Cisneros and Fernando Olvera Charles -- 10. La redención de cautivos en el septentrión novohispano en la postrimería del siglo XVIII / Limonar Soto Salazar -- 11. Pames y otras etnias en Rioverde, Santiago de los Valles y Nuevo Santander, siglos XVII - XVIII / Jose Alfredo Rangel Silva -- 12. El poblamiento de la frontera de la Nueva Galicia: Mazapil, siglo XVI / Juana Elizabeth Salas Hernandez -- 13. El poblamiento entre Texas y Louisiana, durante las Reformas Borbonicas / Luis Arnal Simon -- 14. Uso y función de los bienes materiales de las misiones franciscanas: San Juan Bautista y San Bernardo en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII / Diana Ramiro Esteban -- 15. El Rio Bravo y la conformación de la frontera entre Texas y el noreste mexicano entre 1824 y 1848 / Antonio Guerrero Aguilar -- 16. Los trabajos científicos de la Comisión de Limites en Tamaulipas y Texas, febrero - mayo 1828 / Erika Adan Morales -- 17. La propiedad rural en el sur de Saltillo, siglos XVI al XX. Las haciendas de Buenavista, El Nogal y Santa Elena de la Punta / Juana Gabriela Roman Jaquez -- 18. "Diles quien eres." Honrando a las familias pioneras del Rio Bravo del Norte / Antonio Noe Zavaleta Reid y Câesar A. Munoz Garcâia -- 19. Las redes sociales en la migraciâon indígena al Noreste de Mexico / Carlos Lemus y Ana Maria Châavez. Tercera parte - Conflicto y adaptaciâon = Parte III - Adaptation and conflict: 20. Spanish plans for the reconquest of Mexico and the invasion of Tampico (1829) / Catherine Andrews y Leticia Dunay Garcâia Martâinez -- 21. Repercusiones del asentamiento colonial en el valle de la Mota evidencia material de trapiches / Araceli Rivera Estrada y Tehua Osnaya Rodriguez -- 22. Freedom's eagle loudly calls: the misinterpretation of the Battle of Resaca de la Palma / D. Clark Wernecke -- 23. La transformación del espacio y arqueología de la Batalla de la Angostura / Carlos Recio Davila -- 24. Revealing the ephemeral: finding traces of 18 critical minutes and their aftermath at San Jacinto / Roger Moore -- 25. Batalla de Monterrey en el Fortin de la Teneria (1846): hallazgos arqueológicos de las fuerzas en combate / Araceli Rivera Estrada -- 26. Con un pie en cada lado: ethnicities and the archaeology of Nuevo Santander rancho communities in South Texas and Northeastern Mexico / Mary Jo Galindo -- 27. Washington, La Habana y Matamoros: los vertices del triangulo transitorio de pertrechos para los constitucionalistas, 1913-1914 / Indra Labardini Fragoso. Cuarta parte - Sociedad e ideas = Parte IV - Ideas and society: 28. La presencia liberal en el periódico El Tulteco / Thelma Camacho Morfin -- 29. El taumaturgo de Espinazo. Breve historia de Jose Fidencio de Jesus Constantino Sintora, mejor conocido como el Nino Fidencio, 1898-1938 / Jose Oscar Avila Juarez -- 30. Gendering the making of a borderlands: women's work in the garment industry / Sonia Hernandez -- 31. From conflict to consensus: Fort Brown becomes the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College / John B. Hawthorne. Fuentes de information = Sources of information: A. Siglas, abreviaturas, acrónimos y signos -- B. Repositorios documentales consultados -- C. Fuentes documentales -- D. Fuentes primarias publicadas -- E. Reportes arqueologicos de campo -- F. Fuentes bibliográficas secundarias -- G. Fuentes hemerográficas -- H. Fuentes electrónicas.
TRANSLATIONS: 1. Activity areas and contexts in the Mexican Northeast: characterization of gatherer-hunter sites using the Space Typology / Gustavo A. Ramirez Castilla - 2. Spatial location of archaeological sites in the municipality of Dr. Gonzalez Nuevo Leon / Efrain Flores Lopez - 3. Sedentarism in the adaptations of hunters and gatherers of the lower Rio Bravo / Martin Salinas - 4. Permanence of hunter-gatherer groups in response to topographic and natural conditions / Iran Roxana Dominguez Rodriguez - 5. A camp-workshop on the banks of the Salado river / Victor Hugo Valdovinos Perez and Iran Roxana Dominguez Rodriguez - 6. Considerations on the archeology of Reynosa, Tamaulipas / Carlos Vanueth Perez Silva - 7. Tattoos on the rocks: The rock language Chiguihuitillos in the Burgos region, Tamaulipas / Diana Radillo Rolon - 8. "Lineas de horizonte" a locale of rock art from Nuevo Leon / Manuel Graniel Tellez. Second part - Population and resistance = Part II - People and resistance: 9. Indian responses to New Santander colonizing process / Gerardo Lara Cisneros and Fernando Olvera Charles - 10. The redemption of captives in the northern part of New Spain in the late eighteenth century / Limonar Soto Salazar - 11. Pames and other ethnic groups in Rioverde, Santiago de los Valles and Nuevo Santander, XVII - XVIII centuries / Jose Alfredo Rangel Silva -- 12. The settlement of the border of Nueva Galicia: Mazapil, sixteenth century / Juana Elizabeth Salas Hernandez - 13. The settlement between Texas and Louisiana, during the Bourbon Reforms / Luis Arnal Simon - 14. Use and function of the material assets of the Franciscan missions: San Juan Bautista and San Bernardo in the second half of the 18th century / Diana Ramiro Esteban - 15. The Rio Grande and the formation of the border between Texas and Northeast Mexico between 1824 and 1848 / Antonio Guerrero Aguilar -- 16. The scientific work of the Boundary Commission in Tamaulipas and Texas, February - May 1828 / Erika Adan Morales - 17. Rural property in southern Saltillo, 16th to 20th centuries. The estates of Buenavista, El Nogal and Santa Elena de la Punta / Juana Gabriela Roman Jaquez - 18. "Tell them who you are." Honoring the pioneering families of the Rio Bravo del Norte / Antonio Noe Zavaleta Reid and Câesar A. Munoz Garcia - 19. Social networks in indigenous migration to Northeast Mexico / Carlos Lemus and Ana Marâia Chavez. Third part - Conflict and adaptation = Part III - Adaptation and conflict: 20. Spanish plans for the reconquest of Mexico and the invasion of Tampico (1829) / Catherine Andrews and Leticia Dunay Garcâia Martâinez - 21. Impact of the colonial settlement on the valley de la Mota material evidence of sugar mills / Araceli Rivera Estrada and Tehua Osnaya Rodriguez - 22. Freedom's eagle loudly calls: the misinterpretation of the Battle of Resaca de la Palma / D. Clark Wernecke - 23. The transformation of space and archeology of the Battle of Angostura / Carlos Recio Davila - 24. Revealing the ephemeral: finding traces of 18 critical minutes and their aftermath at San Jacinto / Roger Moore - 25. Battle of Monterrey in Fortin de la Teneria (1846): findings Archaeologists of the forces in combat / Araceli Rivera Estrada -- 26. With one foot on each side: ethnicities and the archeology of Nuevo Santander rancho communities in South Texas and Northeastern Mexico / Mary Jo Galindo - 27. Washington, Havana and Matamoros: the vertices of the transitory triangle of supplies for constitutionalists, 1913-1914 / Indra Labardini Fragoso. Fourth part - Society and ideas = Part IV - Ideas and society: 28. The liberal presence in the newspaper El Tulteco / Thelma Camacho Morfin - 29. The thaumaturge of Espinazo. Brief history of Jose Fidencio de Jesus Constantino Sintora, better known as El Nino Fidencio, 1898-1938 / Jose Oscar Avila Juarez - 30. Gendering the making of a borderlands: women's work in the garment industry / Sonia Hernandez - 31. From conflict to consensus: Fort Brown becomes the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College / John B. Hawthorne. Sources of information = Sources of information: A. Acronyms, abbreviations, acronyms and signs - B. Consulted documentary repositories - C. Documentary sources - D. Primary published sources - E. Field archaeological reports - F. Sources secondary bibliographic - G. Hemerographic sources - H. Electronic sources.
Physical Description
.PDF, 760 Pages, Illustrations, Charts, Maps, 23 cm
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Digital Books, UTRGV Digital Library, The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley. Accessed via https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/digitalbooks/
![Espacios, Poblamiento y Conflicto en el Noreste Mexicano y Texas [People, Places and Conflicts in Northeastern Mexico and Texas]](https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/digitalbooks/1001/thumbnail.jpg)
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