Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
First Advisor
Raheleh T. Filsoofi
Second Advisor
Dr. Katherine Moore McAllen
Third Advisor
Donald Lyles
I believe I am drawn to work with wood because of genetic reasons. My grandfather was a carpenter. I remember him as a hardworking and busy man. As something inseparable and equally inspiring, I remember his studio which was a small house that was full of creativity and great memories. My grandparents’ house is one of my first memories where I learned to create art and collage. I have started to notice, as I get older, that I am constantly trying to bring back an atmosphere that resembles that warm and safe place of childhood. I have also noticed that by giving form to my wood collages and assemblages, I am recreating those memories as a mean of artistic expression. These represent my current body of work in collage: Oblivion.
This thesis examines collage in the history of art and in contemporary practice, a unique medium that can use leftover materials and cut pieces to put parts together to make a coherent whole. This process that integrates various unrelated materials can inspire a contemplative re-flection on memory and reality while also creating interesting aesthetic compositions. Collage is a medium for creating unique interpretations with the layering of forms. This layering process involves an inward-looking activity that connects us with our deepest thoughts and memories and often has unexpected results.
Recommended Citation
Scardigno, Angela V., "Oblivion" (2019). Theses and Dissertations. 591.
Copyright 2019 Angela V. Scardigno. All Rights Reserved.