Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
Dr. Bradley Christoffersen
Second Advisor
Dr. Engil Pereira
Third Advisor
Dr. Andrew McDonald
Reforestation has been ongoing in the Lower Rio Grande Valley annually since the 1980s, and to date over 6400 ha of land has been reforested in this area. However, there has been little subsequent study of the change and development of those forests as they mature. This thesis consists of two, interrelated, studies: (1) surveys of a five-site chronosequence of restored forests and (2) quantification of xylem anatomical traits of a subset of species present at the reforestation sites. Surveys showed a consistent reduction in species diversity and stem number density on the landscape, and identified a suite of species which predictably persist or increase on the landscape. Analysis of xylem anatomical results are ongoing.
Recommended Citation
Albrecht, Clifton F., "Winners and Losers in Reforestation Efforts in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, and the Predictive Power of Xylem Anatomy on Long-Term Growth and Survival" (2021). Theses and Dissertations. 813.
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