History Faculty Publications and Presentations
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
In 1746 the Viceroy of New Spain called for the founding of a new province to be located between the Rio Grande and the Nueces River. Between 1748-1755 two dozen civilian communities of farmers and ranchers were established by the province’s founder José de Escandón. Many towns were founded along the banks of the Rio Grande where there was access to water and lands for agriculture and grazing. Each town served as the administrative, economic, and ecclesiastical hub for surrounding land grants and ranches. Were it not for the work of W. Eugene George, Mindy Bonine, and Mary Jo Galindo, our knowledge of the architectural and archaeological history of this region would be woefully incomplete. In this presentation the CHAPS Program team draws on the work of these pioneers and continuing original research concerning the surviving archaeological and architectural record of the Lower Rio Grande Valley.
Recommended Citation
Skowronek, Russell K., et al. “Nuevo Santander- The Unrealized Archaeological Potential of a ‘Civilian’ Province in Northern New Spain.” “Spanish Borderlands: Colonial Roots of the Lower Rio Grande Valley,” 2018, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cqN9zLKkz8XotyPxwVRCgCxRmoMlrB81/view?usp=sharing&usp=embed_facebook.
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