Summer Institute June 2019
Document Type
Creation Date
Summer 6-6-2019
Lesson planning, Historias Americanas, Geographical location, Maps, Globes, Historical locations, TEKS, Social Studies, Kindergarten
TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills): K.4 The students understand the concept of location. c. Identifying tools that aid in determining location including maps and globes.
Lesson objective(s): 1. Students will do and activity: Think, Turn and Talk with their neighbor and discuss a location that was meaningful to them
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs: Teacher will provide a map of the valley and photographs of different places in the valley.
.PDF, 3 Pages
Recommended Citation
Flores, April, "Lesson Plan, Social Studies, Kindergarten" (2019). Summer Institute June 2019. 13.