Summer Institute June 2019
Document Type
Creation Date
Summer 6-5-2019
Historias Americanas, La Sal del Rey, Native Americans, Geography, Culture, Maps, Silk Route, Lake formation, Columbus exploration, Impact of salt mines, TEKS, History, 7th grade
TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills): 7.1A, 7.2A, 7.8A, 7.9A, 7.19A, (7.13A)?, 7.21A
Lesson objective(s): The student is expected to: 1. Geography: identify ways in which Texans have adapted and modified the environment 2. Culture: Describe how people from various ethnic groups maintain their cultural heritage 3. Gulf Native Texans: Identify the major era of Texas history.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs: -Using maps and the attending of the Sal del Rey can be used to make connections with local events -The use of salt rock and stories of the Silk Route to make connections with how important salt was
.PDF, 3 Pages
Recommended Citation
Garza, Sylvia, "Lesson Plan, History, 7th Grade" (2019). Summer Institute June 2019. 14.